Skeeter Saves the Day is a 60-second animated short created over three weeks by a team of 10 students outside of class. I was primarily responsible for lighting, rendering, layout, and the rig for Leslie the Ladybug. I also helped out with compositing, sound, modeling, surfacing, and animation.
This is the third entry in the Skeeter series and was by far the most ambitious. Working on this series has been a real treat and I cannot wait to make the next one.
Skeeter’s Christmas Miracle is a 30-second animated short created in 4 days by a team of 10 students outside of class. I worked on environment modeling, surfacing, prop rigging, layout, lighting, compositing, and rendering.
These extracurricular projects are a blast because I get to work on a little bit of everything and push myself to explore new parts of the pipeline. My goal is to have knowledge of most areas of the pipeline to better organize teams as a project manager.
The Ballad of Skeeter was a personal project created by a team of 7 students over the course of 48-hours. I was responsible for environment modeling, surfacing, lighting, and prop rigging. Working on such a short time-frame was incredibly fun and very educational. I cannot wait to take what I learned on this and apply it to future projects.